How to upload patterns at the crochet forum (Updated)

Edited by leopard danio at 2021-11-29 20:50

Before explaining how to upload files at the crochet forum, you need to know where to upload them. The system has changed and now everyone must upload files (Post new Patterns & Magazine) and only pictures (Post new Diary) at two big forums. To learn how to do it, read this other short tutorial I made, please:

How to upload files using the new upload system

Now that you already know where to upload the files, here it is how to do it:
How to upload patterns on the crochet forum (Updated)
1- I’ll show you how to upload a pattern on the crochet forum. Before doing it, there are some rules about writing the title correctly that you may learn:

For single crochet patterns:

Company name + Designer name + Pattern number + Pattern name in English + Pattern name in Original Language* + (Language when it's not English) + (Translated ) + (Free)

*Non-Roman letter Languages ( Russian, Chinese, Korean , Arabic etc...) should be in English

Orange Amigurumi - Namsom Pan - Kittens - Gatitos - Spanish - Translated - Free
Red Heart - Nancy Anderson - LW2753 - Elephant Baby - Free
Kinlu Handmade - Puppy Matapaco - Perrito Matapaco - Spanish

For Crochet Magazines, Pamphlets or Booklets:

Magazine titles:

Original name + Issue number + Date (month + year) + (Language if it's not English ) + (Free)


Inside Crochet - Issue 127 - 2020
Diana - Issue 9 - 2003 - Russian - Free
Happily Hooked-Issue 25-April-2016

Book titles:

Publish company + Book original name + English name + Designer name + (Language if it's not English) + (Free)

Circulo - Ebook Amigurumi Especial Jardim - Ebook Amigurumi Special Garden - Viviane Rentroia - Portuguese - Free

2- The crochet forum has been split into two forums:· CrochetPatterns· CrochetMagazines / Books
3- I’ll show you how to upload a crochet pattern. The first thing you need to do is to search for the pattern you will upload to see if it is already on the forum. I would like to upload “Amigurumi Cadillac Sofa by AmiEggs”. I’ll search for the following keywords: amigurumi cadillac sofa, Cadillac sofa and Emieggs

4- However, if I search for “Cadillac sofa”, see what will happen:

5- The pattern I would like to post has already been posted by someone. So, I need to choose a pattern that nobody has posted yet!
If you find a duplicate thread, please report it using the report button on the pattern page. Please, include a link to where the original pattern was shared. Your reports are greatly appreciated!

6- I have a pattern called “Ela Amigurumi girl pattern by Studio Karma Pattern”. I’ll search for it to see whether it is already on the forum or not.When I type the keyword “Ela” there is 1000 threads related to it.

They are too many for me to see so I will use the advanced search to search in specific forums ( CrochetPatterns, Crochet Magazines / Books)

By using the Advanced search feature, there will be less results related to the keyword I chose. After changing the keyword to “amigurumi girl pattern”, “girl pattern”, “Ela amigurumi girl pattern” and “Studio Karma Pattern” I saw that nobody has posted this pattern on the forum yet so I will do it now.

7- To post this pattern I need to go to the Post new Patterns & Magazine. Click on “new” then “thread”.

According to the crochet rules for Titles format (Company - designer's name – Pattern name), as this pattern doesn’t have any numbers, the right way of writing the title would be: “Studio Karma Patterns – Cihan Sahin – Ela amigurumi girl pattern”. The designer’s name isn’t on this pattern so I searched for it on the Internet. Please, do not write the words together (like this: Karmapatterns – CihanSahin) or in capital letters ( like this: KARMAPATTERNS – CIHAN SAHIN) because it may cause problems in the search.

note: I had to update this tutorial and chose another thread to explain about the new button called "crochet info"

Note1: About the kind of pattern I’m uploading, there is only one option for me to choose. It is on “Toys and Hobbies= softies”. A lot of people have also been choosing “Pet= toy”.

If I want to post a piece of clothing for a dog, I would fill out the category “Pet = clothing”

If I would like to post a Crochet bone (this is a toy for the dog), I would fill out the category “Pet = toy” because that’s the toy for an animal!It is a good idea to be familiar with the options in English. For instance, a “puppet” is not the same as “softies”.
Puppet = A movable model of a person or animal that is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it.Example: A La Sascha - Sascha Blase- Fox Hand Puppet-English

Do not choose "other" for all categories. Choose only the one(s)which fit. Sometimes, it is possible to fill out one or two categories according to the pattern.

Note2: This is about Yarn Weight:

Then, choose the file on your computer and wait a while until the upload finishes.

This pattern is not free but I just want 5 coins for it.If you want to change the “Read permission”, do it before clicking on“Ok”. Changing the read permission will not allow a certain group of users to download the pattern.

Read permission is divided into the following categories:

note: I had to update this tutorial and chose another thread to explain about the read permission

Please, choose from DIY1 up to DIY10. Be aware that if you change the read permission, less people will be able to download the attachment. DIY means the level the user will be able to dowanload a file. If you set the read permission to DIY10, for instance, only users who are at level 10 will be able to download your attachment. So, think about how many people you want to download your attachment before changing the read permission. If you don't change the read permission, anyone who has enough coins to buy the file will be able to download it.
Nowadays, Read Permissions are this way:
Level 1 and 2 - 80Level 3 up to 10 - 90
You will see these numbers when you hove your mouse over the name of the file

note: I had to update this tutorial and chose another thread to explain about the read permission

If you can't see any of those numbers (80 or 90), it means anyone can download the file if they have enough coins to buy it.
note: I had to update this tutorial and chose another thread to explain about the read permission

The administrator has set a price limit for the files

The system will fix it automatically. For instance, if you are DIY1 (level1), the maximum price you can ask for a file is 150 coins. If you put 300 coins, the system will fix it to 150 coins.
Lv.0 max 150 coinsLv.1 max 150 coinsLv.2 max 150 coinsLv.3 max 200 coinsLv.4 max 250 coinsLv.5 max 300 coinsLv.6 max 333 coinsLv.7 max 333 coinsLv.8 max 333 coinsLv.9 max 333 coinsLv.10 max 333 coins

After you post a pattern, it will be checked out by the moderator. It will be approved soon!
Nobody will be able to see the files before being moderated. The files (posted at Post new Patterns & Magazine) or pictures of your work (posted at Post new Diary) will be sent to the correct crochet forums and users will be able to see them and download them there. Here they are:
Crochet Diary Crochet Patterns Crochet Knitting magazines|Books
