Proper Titles

Edited by anniekins at 2021-8-2 12:16

I am reminding all members of the way titles should be formatted in the Scanned, Repaint and Knitting areas of this site.

The name of the pattern must always come first unless the pattern has a serial number and is published by a company.

Please follow this format:

1. Pattern name by Designer name (This includes internet designers that make their patterns available directly either through Facebook or a website, etc...)
If this is a free pattern available for download from the designer or someone who represents the designer, then Free must be included in the title.

example: Sweet Duet by Maria Brovko - Free

2. Dimensions (or company name) +Serial # + Pattern name followed by designer name if available

example: Janlynn 023-0450 Four Seasons Bellpull

3. Patterns from a book or magazine:

Pattern name by designer name from magazine information ( Magazine name and issue number or date) .

example: Winter Fairy by Lesley Teare from Cross Stitch Gold 69

Please note: Please do not report any old titles that do not follow this format as it does not affect searches.

Thank you for your attention