Recycled missing

Hi! So first of all - thank you to all the mods for your hard work!!! Especially lately with all the spam messages!
I have a question though (sorry if it was already answered somewhere!). I noticed that Recycled is no longer available to view. I kinda miss it, because I often usted it in informative way. For example if I see a pattern in New Patterns that I'm interested in, I don't assume that it was already posted earlier and so I don't check in the search if it already exist, but when I open it in a new tab for me to download later, and it gets moved to Recycled, I can't see what pattern it was. Often I don't remember what it was and even if I remember what it was, I don't necessarilly remember by who it was and with some patterns (for example unicorns) there's too many to fish out of all the results. When I was still able to see Recycled, I saw the mod's comment that it's already posted and could quickly find the actual pattern.
Another example - add-ons posted in magazines. Sometimes people post add-ons only and they get moved to Recycled because the magazine it's in is already posted, including the add-on. But without admin's comment on why the add-on was recycled, I don't know where to look for the add-on so I won't be able to find it in the magazine. Sometimes I find add-ons only on the internet but I check PinDIY to see if there is a copy in better quality available, and I'm not always aware that what I'm looking for is an add-on and not a standalone pattern.
I'm not attacking anyone by the way (I'm not a native English speaker so I'm not sure if I sound neutral or more like I'm accusing admins, but I'm trying to go for neutral tone), just curious because being able to view Recycled posts was pretty helpful to me at times