Yarni Publish time 2020-11-17 16:19

Very helpful and super nice instructions, thanks!

marlihc Publish time 2020-11-17 20:28

Thank you SO MUCH for this, it' VERY useful.   I have a question though:when I love a specific designer and I want to check if there is something newer just uploaded, I don't have a good option of checking it.I mean, I can go to the forum and select "1 day" post, BUT I do not see what has just been uploaded -I see older things, and I don't want that.   It would be really great if I could select an order to view, for example, from the newest POST to the oldest one (considering the date it was inserted on the page - not the newest item that had a recent comment).What do you think about this?   If I am mistaken, please correct me..:-)

Puppy Publish time 2020-11-17 21:03

Edited by Puppy at 2020-11-17 15:14

static/image/common/user_online.gif marlihc static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-11-17 14:28
Thank you SO MUCH for this, it' VERY useful.   I have a question though:when I love a specific des ...
What do I think about this?Please read the this post again )) beginning with:

Press "Advanced"

Search Range:

Order by: Start time (Descending) - last downloaded threads you will see first.

and you see a specific designer from the newest post to the oldest one (considering "Start time"). :P

marlihc Publish time 2020-11-19 05:01

static/image/common/user_online.gif Puppy static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-11-17 21:03
What do I think about this?Please read the this post again )) beginning with:

Press "Advanced"

Thanks again, but this does NOT work.   The descending order is about the comments someone made, NOT recent posts.My question was for the search to show the descending order considering the upload date, not the comment date...

Puppy Publish time 2020-11-19 09:36

Edited by Puppy at 2020-11-19 04:30

static/image/common/user_online.gif marlihc static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-11-18 23:01
Thanks again, but this does NOT work.   The descending order is about the comments someone made, N ...
I understand you well and I answered exactly your question: upload date, as you say, this is the "Start time" here.

Therefore, you must change drop-down menu "Order by" from "Last Post" to "Start time"(+ Ascending or Descending).

It certainly works. I always use this feature. :D

chickenlady88 Publish time 2020-11-20 21:29

Super helpful, thank you!

tatyanaSeigers Publish time 2021-1-16 22:59

Thank you for sharing the info.

Vane123 Publish time 2021-4-4 10:43

Thank you for the info! Very useful

randicat Publish time 2021-6-18 00:04

Thank you! Read this in my first month and it really does help!

Sparkleyg2606 Publish time 2021-6-28 17:58

Thank you
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