Magic Crochet issue 14

There were 155 issues of Magic Crochet, which began publication in 1980, and stopped in 2005. A sad day for all those of us who loved the magazine. I found the ones I was missing, except for issue 147 (If anyone has it, I'd certainly appreciate it). So, in the coming weeks I'll be sharing the 154 issues that I DO have.

Some are in better condition than others, but all are readable and usable. There are some that don't appear complete and I will note that when I get to those issues.

Each issue has at least 25+ patterns, including crafts, sewing, a little cross stitch...but the bulk are thread crochet.

I have compiled all the images into single .pdf riles and I have made an effort to reduce the file sizes, so there are as few splits as possible. I normally don't charge for my shares, but I'm putting a lot of work into these, so I'm charging a nominal amount.

Here is Issue 14


(appears incomplete, which is likely how-to, craft, sewing and other non-crochet things omitted. All included items have complete patterns)


