Just Nan Gingerbread Mouse finished!!!

I just finished my little mousey last night, and made a few changes to the pattern. I couldn't figure out what the squiggles were on the side, perhaps whiskers, but I left them off. I didn't use the little beads on top of his head, as they were very tiny and I used silver thread instead. I didn't have a tail, so will just add a little snip of leather later. I do have a wire hanger I could use, but will think more about it. I think I used smaller count fabric, and I can't tell you how many mistakes I made...ha ha ha...I just figured they would all work out in the end, and now that it is made, it looks perfect to me. I just love his little nose, or is it a her?? I can't wait to make the garden one. I just used a piece of metal for the bottom, and covered it with linen and sewed it to make it stand. The whiskers are made with a tatting thread that is coated. It is super thin! Tell me what you think, I even ended up buying more floss as I lost all the bobbins that I had pulled. Somewhere they are hiding along with my orange stork scissors...:'( I thought as soon as I finished it, I would find them...no luck yet!
