Alison Pereida Knapp - Grams Square Shawl - Free

Editado por woolfan en 2017-4-12 05:22

• Change color at the end of the row by pulling up the new color as the last ‘pull through 2’ of the last dc.
• Weave in half of your ends as you go by working the starting tail of each new color along with the live yarn (your starting ch3 and maybe first dc of each row will be a little plumper because of this double strand, but it’s totally worth it.)
• I had some trouble with my edge sts being tighter (and therefore shorter) than the rest of the sts, so the front points were curving in toward the center. I solved this by starting each row with a ch4 instead of a ch3 and ending each row with a trc instead of a dc. YMMV—I’m a tense crafter, so this adjustment may not be necessary for others.
You can use the tassels on the front points to fasten the shawl—just slip one tassel through the ch2 space nearest another tassel.
Suggested styles:
• Attach each front tassel to its side tassel to make loose sleeves.
• Attach the front tassels to each other behind you to make slightly snugger sleeves.
• Wrap the front points across your waist and then attach them to each other behind you to make a snug wrap.
