The Velvet Acorn - Heidi May - Agate Cape

Edited by leopard danio at 2017-9-10 16:45

Pullover sizes: With the crochet hook and yarn start with the beginning
chain LOOSELY for the size pullover you are making.
Chain 28 (size 2)
Chain 28 (size 3/4)
Chain 30 (size 5/7)
Chain 30 (size 8/10)
Chain 36 (size 11/13)
Chain 36 (size 14/16)
Chain 40 (size S/M)
Chain 40 (size L/XL)
size 2 {290 yards}, size 3/4 {315 yards}, size
5/7 {360 yards}, size 8/10 {450 yards}, size 11/13 {540 yards}, size
14/16 {630}, size S/M {750 yards}, size L/XL {860 yards} Loops &
Threads Cozy Wool yarn used
