Embroidery Hoop Box and accessories

Edited by magenta13 at 2017-12-6 11:05

This sewing box is made from several embroidery hoops glued together using wood glue and assembled using several stitched pieces on linen. The hoops are varnished to give a deep brown colour.

For the stitched parts I used Edinburgh Country Mocha 3009 linen and Cresent Colors Smoke and Caterpillar threads.
The designs are mostly taken from Blackbird Designs leaflet Honeysuckle Manor. I used the inner box lid as more storage area for the small hoop and scissors.

The needlebook has a page for each of several types of needles. I made a pin keeper as part of the set. I may make a covered tape measure too in the near future. The contrast lining fabric is cotton in a coordinating colour.

For the knob on top I used a large wooden bead and covered it using needleweaving in DMC matching threads.

You can find a tutorial for making this box at Twisted Stitcher who has several other finishing tutorials.
