Celtic Knot Wedding sample

Edited by Raorr at 2022-4-16 09:32

I'm making this cross stitch and black work Celtic knot wedding sampler.
I hope the bride likes it. It's a surprise, but with some help I was able to try and colour match it, to her colours if the day.I am completing it on 14ct aida as I had done available without having to go out and buy more.
For the cross stitch I am using 3 threads. I was using 4 but found it too bulky. (So I ended up frogging the whole knot and doing it again)
For the blackwork I am using 2 threads. I didn't like the coverage with only 1. To try and keep nice straight lines I am rail roaring each stitch as I go.
I'll add some more pics when I take them. I'm currently a lot further then the pics I have.

Here is a new pic. (Hope this works)
