Iznik, I Heart You Shawl - bunnymuff - Mona Zillah

Edited by pitussa at 2023-11-20 11:28

Iznik, Turkey was the place to be in ceramics, from the late 15th century throughout the 16th. It was a time of experimentation and incorporation of luxurious things. Ceramic glazes were transformed in composition and colour beginning with simple blues to turquoise, jade, and finally reds and oranges. The hand painted images were drawn from their own culture and the peoples they traded with. Often geometric or flora, the intricate and delicate images added meaning and poetry to domestic homes and structures…The oval and floral motifs of Iznik ceramics guided my hand to design this lacy and beaded heart shaped shawl. Craftspeople of Iznik, I heart you…and thank you.
This is a heart-shaped shawl knit from the top down. The stitches are fairly simple and it’s a good knit for a beginner to lace, however there are many beads (~ 1500).

