Accessories Show from me

Edited by anniekins at 2013-9-19 17:32

Accessories Show from me.
Here i want to share some pictures from what i have.

In these plastic boxes i keep my DMC floss and some turned on bobbins.

This is a close up from one of the boxes inside.

This is the corner by the couch i always sit with cross stitching with the table where all the things i need stands and the light and the litle table i also use for cross stitching.

Here a picture from the things i use with cross stitching from the picture from my dog.
On top of the picture is my hoop stand frame under it the plastic box with the DMC floss collors that i need for this work.
On the left the pattern and on top of it the plastic sort carts where my floss is hanging in.
That lidle red thing is my needle treader next to it my needle pillow and the scissors.
The green one my marker for the pattern.
And that brown wood stick is 50cm long i use for measurement from the floss to cut it.

Here a picture from my own bild cabinet so i also work with wood some times hihihi.
The stede top shelf is on the left my cross stitch work from Spring Snow and the floss box and pattern.
Next to it a basket with all kind of stitching things.
On the right 2 empty boxes for when the other ones are full and a box i tell in the other picter below whats in it.
And 1 box didn't fix under so it stands there from my DMC floss boxes.
Under left is the big blue box where i keep my fabric in on top of that box are the envalops with the cross stitch kits.
In the midle are maps with the pages from the patterns from Spring Snow and the picture from my dog and a floss card from DMC.
And on the right all the boxes with my DMC floss and some kreinik floss.

Here the last picture is from the box where i have several markers in and empty bobbins the label printer and labels for in the printer and some tape and a list from the changes from numbers from DMC floss.