Some little stitching

Edited by anniekins at 2013-9-19 15:08

Been in an instant gratification mood recently where I just wanted to start and finish something, so I made two very small items.

First a little pear that I graphed myself. After I stitched him up I thought I should change his eyes a little bit so that they're not so dark... He is finished as a covered button, but I think I will put a hair elastic on the back so that I can use him as a hairtie or a keychain of some sort.

Next, I repainted the bubbletea from Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery and stitched him onto felt with some waste linen... I am quite fascinated by the results! It was the first time I used waste linen. I will probably turn him into a fridge magnet.

Thanks for looking!
