Verdigris Publish time 2014-3-22 14:27

static/image/common/user_online.gif princessmoody static/image/common/clock.gif 2012-12-28 08:17 static/image/common/back.gif
I have the patterns for McCoy, Uhura, Sulu and Chekov.I was debating McCoy, but Spock is my Dad' ...

Wow! I`d stitch Uhura, she is so beautiful)) And yes, it`s a pity you didn`t stitch the doctor, the main trio always seemed to me more like Kirk-Spock-McCoy rather than Kirk-Spock-Scotty. Scotty is the next in line))

olensia Publish time 2014-4-4 19:52

Very nice!

isabella690 Publish time 2014-4-5 05:48

wow it good job it is my boyfriend's favorite Star trek nice !

Puppy Publish time 2014-5-2 01:49

Congratulations, beautiful work :)

Lidia77 Publish time 2014-5-2 02:47

Nice work ! :)

noone Publish time 2014-9-2 09:17

I love these. Nice work.

Xandrea Publish time 2014-9-3 22:32

A wonderful present for all trekkies!
Thanks for sharing it. I love it! :)

radsweb Publish time 2015-8-31 16:36

This is awesome , my hubs would love this .
Thank you for sharing this with us :)

segurati Publish time 2015-12-30 09:23

Precioso trabajo !!

Nickb96 Publish time 2015-12-31 09:37

We are big Star Trek fans. Thank you for sharing.
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