mamie Publish time 2013-7-27 21:57

I love all fabric depending project,but i love better linen because it's noble tissus.

Carmy Publish time 2013-7-28 18:25

Until a few years ago I used aida, but once tried the flax I can not help it, the embroideries are much more beautiful ... you just have to be careful to count :lol

pandora76 Publish time 2013-7-31 22:42

Evenweave - mostly Lugana but sometimes Jobelan if there is a particular color I want that is available as Jobelan and not Lugana

waterlillie Publish time 2013-8-1 02:42

I think aida is easiest, but some projects look better on a different fabric, so I use different kinds. The last project I did was on linen. I hada hard time getting the stitches evenbecause the fabric threads were different widths.

freebies Publish time 2013-8-4 09:09

anything depend on the project

1debbie2 Publish time 2013-8-5 01:02

evenweave for sure

phongnhatban Publish time 2013-8-10 10:41

I love cute tiny stuff, so evenweave and linen are perfect for me. Unfortunately I do not have enough money to buy them so... I use 18ct aida instead :D

JaneDough Publish time 2013-8-11 22:12

I like aida because it is easy but I love the look of finished items on linen.

siennaX Publish time 2013-8-12 03:08

I prefer stitching on linen. 28 or 32 count.

GrannyNeedle55 Publish time 2013-8-12 05:19

It depends on the look I want, for an antique looking piece, I love linen.Mostly for other stuff I use Aida.As I get older, I have to use more magnification and it takes me longer.;P
For mini's the linen is great.
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