Angroise Publish time 2017-1-17 23:34

Thanks and I have read and agree to the new rules.

tiana141 Publish time 2017-1-20 19:08

I promise to follow the rules

tiana141 Publish time 2017-1-20 19:11

I will follow the rules

PappaRoach Publish time 2017-4-30 10:03

sounds fair

magiceightball Publish time 2017-4-30 15:00

Sounds good to me.

conan1 Publish time 2017-5-3 16:58

thank you very much

Babylicious Publish time 2017-5-5 21:49

Thanks for the information.

mommom Publish time 2017-5-25 16:49

thanks for this info:)

Pidget Publish time 2017-7-25 12:37

Hi, just wondering if someone could clarify. What is a pattern is free but it is in a different language. Can you charge more if you translate it and then post, or is it still 10 points? Thanking you ahead for the advice.

leopard danio Publish time 2017-7-25 19:22

static/image/common/user_online.gif Pidget static/image/common/clock.gif 2017-7-25 12:37
Hi, just wondering if someone could clarify. What is a pattern is free but it is in a different lang ...

Hi, Pidget

A pattern is considered free when it's free for everyone on the Internet for unlimited time.

If the pattern has been translated but it's not on the Internet for free, it's not free, so you can charge whatever you want. However, if I find the translated pattern for free on the Internet, I'll change the price to 10 coins (maximum price for a free pattern).
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