threadbare Publish time 2011-6-15 02:17

Dying with crepe paper and salt

Somewhere inmy travels around the x stitch forums this week, I read a reply in a thread about using crepe paper, a saucepan, water and salt to dye fabric, I can't remember where :'( Does anyone know of the process on here ? I hope so because I have 2 massive pieces of evenweave I want dyed different colours after I've cut to sizev I need :)

PinsAndNeedles Publish time 2017-5-25 10:52

static/image/common/user_online.gif gongo static/image/common/clock.gif 2011-6-15 03:47
I'vewritten my experience in this post:
// ...

does this work with linen as well? will boiling linen cause it to shrink?

Knabbelkatje Publish time 2017-4-10 22:13

I did that too I used crepepaper and a lot of salt and boiled the water with the cloth in it.
Then a lot of water to rinse it and than you have blue cloth. You can also put pieces of crepe paper on the cloth I think but never tried that.

PinsAndNeedles Publish time 2017-5-25 10:50

static/image/common/user_online.gif gongo static/image/common/clock.gif 2011-6-15 03:47
I'vewritten my experience in this post:
// ...

great explanation and your English is wonderful :)

popsjens Publish time 2017-9-7 15:31

Wat een gedoe, ik koop dan toch liever een stof die al door kenners van de materie is geverfd, wens jullie wel succes met het zelf kleuren van de stof

tuanbao2012 Publish time 2018-11-27 05:22

Very nice! Beautiful! Thank you very much for sharing !!!

Cherbarina Publish time 2017-7-21 10:08

Oh em gee. So many ideas, so little time

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-11 02:10

Following this thread

manolimu Publish time 2023-9-4 03:05

Siguiendo este hilo

242133 Publish time 2011-6-15 02:24

I believe you should use the same technic as when dying with coffee or tea. Boil water, add the crepe color paper , small pieces and watch how dark it gets, you can add some more as you decide for a darker color. Then submerge the cloth and let it be for some hours. To fix the color you add salt and in the end with cold water and salt wash the overdose of color.
I hope it helps you.

threadbare Publish time 2011-6-15 02:50

Thank you so much, Salo... I'm off to try that right now :D
I'll let the thread know if it worked tomorrow

gongo Publish time 2011-6-15 03:47

I'vewritten my experience in this post:

do tests to see the color that is.
I take a piece of crepe paper, about twice the cloth to be dyed. I can boil in a steel pot with about two liters of water and 4 tablespoons of salt.
When boiled, take it a bit 'of water in a glass and check the color. If all goes well, I remove the card and put the cloth to be dyed. I can boil about 15 minutes.
I wait for the water gets cold and then rinsing the cloth under cold water until it loses more color.
Each time the fabric is different, it only takes imagination

like to dye the fabric to be embroidered, as they are unique.
Sometimes we buy a small piece of embroidery and fabric for a great little embroidery becomes expensive. I prefer to buy only white aida fabric and then do some experiments.
It 's fun and do not always manage the color you want but it's so nice to have something unique, created by us
Sorry my english, I dont write very vell.
I hope you undestand

threadbare Publish time 2011-6-15 05:12

That's the post I remember reading ! I'm going to go and see if I can favoutite it right now ! Thank you very much Sejdiaj :)
I had a play with some yellow crepe paper and scrap cloth tonight, I'm pleased with the result so far :o)
Your english is excellent by the way :) no problems with understanding you at all.

gongo Publish time 2011-6-15 21:41

Reply 5# threadbare


rafahubner Publish time 2011-6-16 08:43

I dyed with acrilic paint, it looks really great. Just added the paint with some hot water and let the piece of fabric there for a while.

threadbare Publish time 2011-6-16 19:09

Reply 7# rafahubner

hmmmm, I may haveto try that too :) thank you
is it colourfast when finished ?

buburuza Publish time 2011-6-16 22:02

Try adding some vinegar to the water after removing the crepe paper. The vinegar will help fixing the pigment.

threadbare Publish time 2011-6-16 22:09

Reply 9# buburuza

    Thank you for the tip :) I'll try that
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