Puppy Publish time 2020-1-5 17:00

static/image/common/user_online.gif FreeBird777 static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-1-4 12:02
Thank you for the information. Can you provide more detailed info as to where the rating feature can ...

First post:
under the link "Copy this page share address" you can see "Favorites", "Rate", "Share", ...


in all others posts - at the bottom right

By clicking on "Rate" you will see

DMCrafter Publish time 2020-1-6 01:21

Surprising that people don't use the daily rates they have.I mean, if they don't KNOW about it, that is a valid excuse/reason.I am stunned there is people who have never posted a thread, never seem to rate people's works, and are high levels by writing "thanks" on people's diary works. Why do that? Makes no sense.If I am going to comment on someone's work, I want to rate so at least we are benefitting each other.Thanks Puppy.I am finding your posts useful and kind.I had largely been inactive for a bit on the forum.I am trying hard now to participate.I do find though that when I want to post a pattern to share, it is already here. I feel bad about that, but nothing I can do.

Hakemieke Publish time 2020-1-6 05:57

I learned something again and used this week my coins also.. it is happiness to share it.
Thank you for letting us know

FreeBird777 Publish time 2020-1-7 09:28

static/image/common/user_online.gif Puppy static/image/common/clock.gif 2020-1-5 17:00
First post:
under the link "Copy this page share address" you can see "Favorites", "Rate", "Share" ...

Thank you SO much, because as soon as I reach Lv. 1, I want to do my part. I really appreciate everything you included visually (that's the kind of help I need) and am saving it for when I get to Lv. 1


Katrina44 Publish time 2020-1-8 09:35

I will figure it out and do it! :)

Sadiebelle Publish time 2020-2-23 21:07

I had no idea!!,thanks so much for letting me know!

edc Publish time 2020-4-2 07:04

Didn't Know this! I’ll be Doing that now!

luisinatejada Publish time 2020-4-21 23:43

Wow! I didn’t know I could do that! I’ll do it for sure. Thanks!

nb00gie Publish time 2020-4-23 13:58

Thank you for the info.

inputargument Publish time 2020-4-28 22:44

I had no idea about this, thanks for explaining it! Will make sure to rate more often now :)
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View full version: Rating - Don\'t miss your chance every day to increase the rating of other members