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lemonkii: i'm sooooo tired urgh
2024-4-8 21:09 Reply|
Sellypooh21: Monday, Full of Potential!
2024-4-8 17:53 Reply|
lemonkii: Midterms are almost near, i cant crochet much anymore
2024-4-8 17:03 Reply|
mdln8: Its raining
2024-4-7 19:33 Reply|
2024-4-7 19:27 Reply|
lemonkii: Working on my commission rn  
2024-4-7 11:54 Reply|
madericodello: l'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi  
2024-4-7 06:49 Reply|
genie: Если волк молчит, то лучше его не перебивать.
2024-4-7 05:27 Reply|
Bwenny123!: This is hard!
2024-4-6 06:15 Reply|
Bwenny123!: Why am I not able to find information
2024-4-6 05:41 Reply|
Bwenny123!: Can anyone share?
2024-4-6 05:37 Reply|
Bwenny123!: Trying to earn points!
2024-4-6 05:17 Reply|
Mechop1605: Very  very  nice  . . . . Thank  you  very  much  for  sharing  this  great  pattern ! ! ! love it  love it  love it
2024-4-5 22:20 Reply|
Eszigeti: Makeing a plush puppy, but I ran out of yarn before finishing it
2024-4-5 06:28 Reply|
Ольга10: Сонное,дождик идёт.)
2024-4-4 17:48 Reply|
2024-4-4 09:36 Reply|
2024-4-4 07:43 Reply|
gaogao0618: happy
2024-4-4 00:49 Reply|
2024-4-3 23:14 Reply|
Sellypooh21: happy wednesday! take charge today
2024-4-3 17:49 Reply|

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