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Совсем не верится... что скоро снова Новый Год... уже 2025... все же как быстро летит время))) порой жалеешь что в сутках 24 часа))))
Active profile
- User Group: DIY.8
- Registration date: 2023-7-25 00:08
- Last visit time: 2024-12-13 23:07
- Last activity time: 2024-12-13 21:36
- Last post time: 2024-12-13 18:23
- Last sendmail time: 0
- Time offset: (GMT +02:00) Cairo, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, South Africa
- Space visits: 591
- Friends: 12
- Posts: 45403
- Threads: 199
- Digests: 8
- Doings: 5
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- Shares: 0
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- Credits: 5503
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- Gold Coins: 129631
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Please became my friend, and you can know my surrent interests and communicate with me. Feel free to contact me.
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