Edited by mammytenkle at 2024-6-18 21:04 This pattern is in ENGLISH without watermark .
2024-6-18 16:27 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by BoingBoing at 2023-7-2 15:21
2023-7-2 14:58 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by mammytenkle at 2023-11-6 17:07 .
2023-11-6 13:34 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by mammytenkle at 2023-1-7 19:23 Horgoláda Design - Márta Sipos - Penny Doll .
2023-1-7 06:30 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by BoingBoing at 2022-12-19 13:21 Horgoláda Design - Márta Sipos - Doll Lisa
2022-12-19 05:39 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
very nice
2021-4-9 21:30 - Anónimo - Knitting Section
Edited by gabuu at 2024-2-4 07:11 marta shawl
2024-2-4 06:52 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Horgoláda Design - Sipos Márta - Zsófi
2024-10-11 04:52 - Márti1965 - Crochet Diary
Edited by anniekins at 2022-11-14 15:32
2022-11-14 19:24 - Anónimo - Womans Life-Style Resources|Mags
Edited by BoingBoing at 2022-12-19 13:15 Horgoláda Design - Márta Sipos - Doll Lola
2022-12-19 05:37 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by anniekins at 2015-12-29 02:00
2012-12-12 23:21 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Scanned
2011-9-5 08:05 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Scanned
Edited by anniekins at 2015-7-20 23:21
2011-6-1 21:59 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Scanned
Edited by anniekins at 2015-7-20 23:23
2011-6-1 21:51 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Scanned
Sizes 1-3 months.
2020-12-19 08:07 - Anónimo - Knitting Section
2023-5-25 00:52 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by pitussa at 2024-1-9 17:18
2024-1-9 23:51 - Anónimo - Knitting Section
2020-12-19 01:22 - Anónimo - Knitting Section
Edited by sunnyegg at 2024-6-17 20:50 Pattern for clothes only, Doll NOT included. Find the Doll here: ENGLISH PORTUGUESE HUNGARIAN
2024-6-16 22:07 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
2023-10-2 17:14 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
2022-6-3 19:33 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
This is the perfect bottom up classic ribbed hat. A timeless design in an easy to follow pattern with a couple of tricks up its sleeve.The Marta Beanie is a perfect stash buster: grab a mini skein or ...
2023-12-9 15:18 - Anónimo - Knitting Section
2012-12-12 22:54 - Anónimo - Other Hand Works Resources|Mags
Edited by Fox01 at 2016-1-25 12:13
2016-1-25 17:33 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by sunnyegg at 2023-1-21 00:38 Plushfairytale Shop - Auto Jeep
2023-1-21 12:29 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by woolfan at 2020-12-3 08:59
2020-12-3 08:42 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
2017-1-7 18:53 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by Rikku at 2018-4-26 04:49
2018-4-25 19:15 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by Rikku at 2018-4-26 05:04
2018-4-25 19:18 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
2017-1-7 19:38 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
HAE MAD005 Gluttony
2013-10-13 15:30 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by caly at 2024-7-14 17:33 Boneca sofie
2024-7-12 08:46 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by anniekins at 2019-9-7 11:14
2016-1-27 16:18 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by anniekins at 2021-7-27 22:04
2014-6-27 20:42 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by anniekins at 2019-7-28 00:09
2018-8-14 18:55 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
2017-1-7 19:04 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by Fox01 at 2016-1-9 14:49
2015-12-28 18:41 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
2017-1-7 18:36 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
2017-1-7 18:27 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
2012-1-18 02:42 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by BoingBoing at 2021-2-16 23:30 Алла Федюнина-МК Кошечка Марта -Русский, Alla Fedyunina-MK Kitty Marta -Russian outfit is knitted
2021-2-16 02:17 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by BoingBoing at 2022-1-4 16:15
2022-1-4 15:40 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by woolfan at 2024-7-10 23:40 Contiene instrucciones para 5 talles ,hasta 2 años de edad
2024-7-10 14:09 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
Edited by sunnyegg at 2023-7-31 09:32
2021-3-21 13:45 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
2011-12-14 18:52 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by Fox01 at 2016-1-25 11:57
2016-1-25 17:08 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by mammytenkle at 2024-4-29 05:49
2024-2-10 02:40 - Anónimo - Crochet Section
2017-1-7 19:20 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
2013-7-21 11:09 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint
Edited by anniekins at 2015-4-24 23:59
2011-6-26 15:13 - Anónimo - Cross stitch Patterns Repaint