lovestitches Publish time 2013-5-7 02:44

Half (tent) stitches on HEAD, Arxinda, Crosti...?


I always assumed that you cross-stitched on these designs but I recently learnt that some stitchers do only half stitches, more like needlepoint than cross-stitch. I have not summoned enough courage to start on either Arxinda, HEAD, Crosti or other designs of more realistic looking but I'd love to learn more before embarking on such long-term commitment.

My question is: Is this common? How will it look when finished? Will you finish faster?

I'd love to see some pictures of the designs (either in progress or finished) done with half stitches only.

Thank you for sharing.

Knabbelkatje Publish time 2017-4-8 23:56

I do tent stitching on a HEAD but I work on 28 count and I didnt find full cross look nice and half cross looks good to me. And the work go faster I did one page in 2 weeks every day about 3hours.

sammieliz Publish time 2017-10-23 00:14

It can look great and save you lots of time when done correctly. Make sure you test stitch using a different number of strands so you can find the best coverage

Whisper whisper Publish time 2024-4-19 15:32

Thanks for sharing

Knitpurlsm Publish time 2024-4-9 03:46

Thanks for the info!

Knitpurlsm Publish time 2024-4-8 03:22

Thanks for the info!

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-10 05:39

Thank you so much

jandir Publish time 2013-5-7 11:28

in my opinion... tent stitching or half-cross stitching can look great!!!

plus it can save you a lot of time in stitching your project.

I would suggest, that you do some sample stitching before you start a really large project.There are a lot of variables to consider, and not everyone will agree on what is best, it can come down to personal taste.(variables can include, cloth count, needle size, number of strands, type of stitches, etc...)

Try stitching a small area (on spare cloth, if you have it)... perhaps choose a detailed area, like an eye, and stitch a couple of inches worth (or sections), then you can see how it looks before fully committing to all the variables... You can even try stitching a small section using different number of strands, etc to see what you like best.

I have seen some tent stitched projects that look amazing... On HAE's forums and samples (sorry I don't have any links).

For one project, the stitcher said it warped the canvas a little bit, (because the tension was always pulling it in same direction)... She didn't mind, because she would just block it or square it up in the framing process...

lovestitches Publish time 2013-5-7 14:16

jandir replied at 2013-5-7 11:28 static/image/common/back.gif
in my opinion... tent stitching or half-cross stitching can look great!!!

plus it can save you a lo ...

That's great advice Jandir. I will try that. I agree that personal taste is ... very personal ;P


sheto Publish time 2013-8-23 11:56


craftlover101 Publish time 2013-9-2 02:00

Edited by misty60820 at 2013-9-2 02:09

i tent and it does go faster for me. my scanner is currently not working so i can't scan up any of my finished stuff. i do not notice any difference between tented and cross stitch. on the haed website, there is a link to the board on there. signing up for membership is free on there and they have tons of wip's in progress where some women do tent. just be careful on there because copyright is their favorite word. the owner is vigilant in making sure no one shares her stuff. so if u do go in there, make sure u say i own this chart if u start posting questions. Also, if you should sign up, do a search of tent and u will find what u are looking for. :)

Gatsjo Publish time 2015-9-29 09:19

Thanks for sharing

cutiepie Publish time 2015-10-1 18:27

I have seen some HAEDS done in tenting stitch and it looks good. Personally for me I prefer stitching full stitches with just 1 strand of floss.
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