Yellowbird Publish time 2015-10-24 04:14

When painting a white canvas enjoyed this recipe:
strong coffee (instant) brewed with boiling water, put a cloth. Keep a few minutes (depending on the strength of the coffee and the desired shade), rinsing, drying. When washing with a mild shampoo and soft powders do not shed. Similarly, the fabric dyed in strong tea. Different varieties of tea and coffee produce different shades.

kottik68 Publish time 2015-10-28 20:07

Я красила акриловыми красками для ткани. Добавляю краску в воду до нужного оттенка. Водичка должна быть теплая. Опускаю канву. Если нужно с разводами, то отжимаю руками (сминая канву), если нужен ровный цвет, то просто даю стечь воде. Затем на гладильную доску под утюг! Аккуратно проглаживаю до полного высыхания. Все готово! Канва в последствии не линяет. Краску использовала фирмы DECOLA TEXTILE

tmerickson Publish time 2015-10-29 11:03

I would love to try, but I'm afraid of completely messing it up!

figueirinha Publish time 2015-11-17 23:33

I read somewhere you could dye it with martha stewart fabric medium and acrylic paint but in my country is not easy to find this product... The dyed aida is very expensive...

oldwoman Publish time 2015-11-19 09:25

Edited by oldwoman at 2015-11-19 09:31

I recently dyed my first piece of linen. I used a high temp dye which you are supposed to boil. I found them less expensive than the 'cold' dyes. I did the background colour in a pot on the stove, then dripped a second colour over, sealed it in a plastic bag and microwaved it to heat set it. I boiled it a bit more after that to make sure it was set - it was, I soaked it in an oxi stain remover to make sure. It may not have needed all the heat setting a I gave it but it was a first time experiment. It didn't turn out the colour I intended either, but you cant really tell what the colour is from a sticker on the container. Any way I know a little more for the next time I try.

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-10 05:30

Waiting for the answer

Knitpurlsm Publish time 2024-4-8 03:09

Thanks for the info!
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