Kittylover Publish time 2011-4-26 08:27

Haed Question on fabric and thread?

I am using a 25 ct fabric 2 threads over one because that is what HAEDs tell you to use with there patterns.I find these patterns to be so slow and time consuming!Also the finished part is so thick!WHy are they to be done like this?My crossstitch looks great so far but just wondering what others do with the HAEDs?

mgrurbbg Publish time 2021-12-3 10:42

I find 2 x 1 on 25ct too thick, too -- it's expecially hard with lots of confetti. I finally backed off and either stitch 1 x 1, or use 22 ct instead (which is still thick, but definitely more doable.) Most people I know use only one strand on 25ct or higher.

SweetF@ce Publish time 2019-10-15 15:41

good afternoon! I embroidered HAED on the canvas of 18 count with a cross in 2 threads. it turned out great

Lamcdo2 Publish time 2019-11-18 01:25

Great thread to read, I think they are beautiful but am very intimidated by them.

Karmen1972 Publish time 2019-9-27 21:43

Prueba con una hebra asi no te quedará tan gordito

lemo Publish time 2020-1-18 02:07

Thanks so much forsharing this!

viky Publish time 2024-4-5 04:44

Thank you very much for the info! Very helpful.

SweetClementine Publish time 2021-11-30 05:37

very nice, thanks for sharing!

htsear13 Publish time 2022-2-11 02:14

Following this thread

phoenixdark Publish time 2011-4-26 08:34

Im doing gothic princess atm, Im doing it on 18count aida and havent had any problems yet. the time consuming bit is not something i think you can change though, its just something that is involved with the patterns since they are so big and have so many colours

phoenixdark Publish time 2011-4-26 08:35

what is the haed pattern you are currently doing?

Kittylover Publish time 2011-4-26 08:48

Reply 3# phoenixdark

I am actually working on two at the moment.
Lavender Moon artist is Jessica Galbreth
Storykeep Masquerade artist is Ching Chou-Kuik

phoenixdark Publish time 2011-4-26 08:53

wow! and im having enough fun with one. talk about effort
I must admit though when you sit there and look at the size of the pattern by stitches (which is what i had to do, because even though gothic princess had a fabric size listed for 18 count adia, it didnt actually match, and Im so glad my mum suggested working it out by myself first instead of following what they had written),the size of the project didnt actually sink in untill i'd cut the fabric, found the centre and outlined where the pattern will sit...and then it was kind of like omg what have i started

Kittylover Publish time 2011-4-26 09:06

Reply 5# phoenixdark
You are having fun?Me, not!!I find that these patterns are so tedious and slow moving.Very tough stitching 2 threads over 1.In a sitting I stitch the most 100 stitches and that is a good day!Mind you I am not putting the patterns down in anyway just so time consuming and so slow moving!

phoenixdark Publish time 2011-4-26 09:20

Well I must admit I dont find it as relaxing as some of my other patterns. usually when i do a pattern i love the feeling when you can start to see bits of it and i just get this accomplished feeling when i can see that its actually looking how its supposed to. Like im also doing Gorjuss - the foxes at the moment, since its a small pattern and I can carry it round when i go to work (if i wont be getting dirty) and things like that and the pattern is actually taking shape, with the HAED though it honestly looks like im just doing blobs and nothing else. I find the frame awkward to work with as well. its a big standing frame,this is the first time I've worked with one of them, and im not having fun with that.I guess I'll be really happy when its done, but for now...i must admit it feels slightly like a chore rather than a hobby with it, Im hoping that feeling will go away when I get into more detailed areas rather than the background

cookie Publish time 2011-4-26 09:42

2 threads over 1 stitch on 25ct is crazy. I did a storykeep that way, and that was it. 1 thread over 1 on 25ct would work. I did a quick stitch 2 threads over 1 on 18ct aida and it was great. ate a lot of thread, but absolutely stunning. took me 6 months of stithing nothing but. i've done a few (started, never finished) 1x1 on 32 ct, 1 thread over 2 stitches on 40ct, 2 threads over 1 stitch on 28ct but only doing half a stitch. they are very versatile patterns. do take FOREVER, but are SOOOOOO worth it in the end.

vinjason Publish time 2011-4-26 09:57

I too use 18 count with 2 threads ... when it's finished it is fabulous ... looks just like a painting (this is what friends say about mine ... think may-be that is the intention with these sort of charts) so may-be before you go too far you could think of changing your fabric to 18 count Aida then i think you'll be please with the final result. Best of luck with your projects :)

Kittylover Publish time 2011-4-26 21:14

Thanks for all your info on this question.Must say HAED patterns on not for the weak of heart :lol Will keep stitching away and just add a few other WIPs in between to make it look like I am getting somewhere :)
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