susiequeue123 Publish time 2011-8-12 08:51

guaynia - i've never wrapped my fabric around my qsnap before like that. doesn't it stretch the holder thing on the qsnap?

Keiryn Publish time 2011-8-15 07:42

I use a floor stand and love it. I did use a lap stand in years past, but when I started stitching again I made the decision to invest in a good floor stand. The stand I decided to purchase is awesome. You don't have to move the stand at all to get in and out of your chair. The scroll rods swing out like you are opening a gate. It has a chart holder, small scissor shelf and a holder for my magnifier. I believe they make an attachment to hold Qsnaps. I use the scrolls rods included but just ordered two longer scrolls rods. They'll make whatever size you need.

guaynia Publish time 2011-8-17 02:59

guaynia - i've never wrapped my fabric around my qsnap before like that. doesn't it stretch the hold ...
susiequeue123 Post at 8-12-2011 08:51 //

This is a long piece too, about 8 months. Its the White Shawl by Bucilla on 14ct Aida. I'm in the last portion of it though, there's more fabric rolled at the top. So far I had no problem with the Q-Snap's holders stretching.

sallyrose Publish time 2011-8-20 05:53

Reply 12# Keiryn

Do you remember the maker or name of your floor stand. It sounds just like what I would like to buy. Thank you for any more information.

Keiryn Publish time 2011-8-21 00:28

Post Last Edit by Keiryn at 8-21-2011 16:35

(edited due to privacy concerns)

sallyrose Publish time 2011-8-21 00:45

Reply 15# Keiryn

Thanks for the information. I have wanted a floor stand for a long time and am looking for feedback from others. Look forward to the photo.

charity1978 Publish time 2011-8-23 05:07

I have not yet used a floor stand, but would like to buy one and start using either a lap or floor stand

BarbraStreisand Publish time 2011-11-25 23:10

I use a floor stand,I purchased one from a hobby shop chain.It has made it easier, as I have both hands free to work with.

threadbare Publish time 2011-11-26 02:54

I use a floor stand with Q-snaps. Love it because I can use both hands to stitch faster. I've had th ...
guaynia Post at 8-11-2011 02:59 //

    mine s identical to this...
you don't need a laying tool to railroad your stitches... you just need to make sure you put your needle between the two strands when going back down through the fabric on both arms of the cross, make sure you let the threads untwist every now and then too, don't forget, if using twoseparate strands, separate those as well before threading the needle or use one long thread doubled over ( good for the loop start )

Arienya Publish time 2011-11-28 22:19

I use a floor stand, and I love it! I cant for the life of me find the company that makes it online anymore though. I think they might have gone out of business. It was a small business. Its a shame, because it is an awesome stand, and folds flat for storage.
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