Kyhf Publish time 2024-1-5 14:51

That's really cool, thanks for sharing the tips

WoolySnail Publish time 2024-3-20 00:45

Edited by WoolySnail at 2024-3-19 17:49

I have always made the X way. And I crochet trough one loop not both, this way the left "loop'" will close the gap

This one is the one I crochet (on the right)

Crochetera183 Publish time 2024-3-20 01:39

Interesting question. I use both techniques. I find it easier to make the point in v than in x, but it's just out of habit.

Mmmmason Publish time 2024-3-20 01:56

When I first learned how to crochet I tried following the YouTube videos as closely as possible which resulted in everything I made having that v stitch. I remember absolutely hating how it looked because I was envious of people who made amigurumi with the x look lol. Eventually, I learned how to make that stitch round four years ago so I've never gone back to the v stitch which I like to joke it's a trauma response

jneeting Publish time 2024-3-20 22:11

I love X stitch, makes the amigurumi tight and look extremely neat! My goal is to try to make those stitches in straight line.

Plu Publish time 2024-3-21 20:24

thank you for this great example! :)

mazurk1987 Publish time 2024-4-4 05:35

x stitch, definitely

Jkerwld Publish time 2024-4-4 13:12

I learned 'v', but keen to try 'x' as my items can be a bit loose

mdln8 Publish time 2024-4-5 19:53

thanks for sharing the tips

MissLexeon Publish time 2024-4-11 01:11

I know and have uysed the Yarn Under technique and I know it can make a piece look 'cleaner' but I just CANNOT do it efficiently and quickly the way I can a standard Yarn Over. It's just not for me and the subjective gains in looks is nto worth the insane amount of effort I'd have to add to a piece I am making.
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