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Why was my post deleted?

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Post time: 2012-10-21 20:08
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Edited by anniekins at 2024-3-5 19:17

As most of our members are aware duplicating designs is not something that is allowed here on the forum.
If the scanned version of the chart is of better quality than the original one already available, then the new post will be accepted and the old one will be deleted by a moderator.

While the new post is checked your chart will not be available - during this time it will remain under moderation by a moderator to be checked for quality and duplication.

*** Please note:- This moderation some time. Please understand that we all not all from the same country and are all in different time zones - please take this into account when posting charts. ***

Posting single designs from magazines is NOT allowed unless the actual design isn't available here on the forum.
If the magazine already exists and contains the design in question, the new post will be deleted.

If you wish to report to the moderator that you have posted a duplicate and you believe it's of better quality, please post here. This makes it easier for the moderator and, in turn, makes the moderation process go more quickly:-

Report of Informal Posts & Replies

If a repaint (XSD or PAT) is already posted and you have posted a JPEG or PDF scan of the original chart then both of these will be accepted into the forum. The XSD/PAT version will be posted in the repaint section - the JPEG or PDF scanned version (it must be original) is to be posted in the scanned patterns section.


Number of participants 6Gold Coins +219 Collapse Reason
Geniez72 + 1 Great work!
Sylvana + 7 Excellent a very good advice.!!!
tootsie36 + 1 Thank you very much!
Blackhat + 9 That clears things up a little, thanks!
ebonieyes + 2 Usefull
admin + 199 Usefull

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Post time: 2019-1-10 03:56
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Can any moderator tell me what is wrong, please? :Q
I can only send one PM in 24 hours. Thats great....So I can not ask the moderators personally.

My thread has now been deleted for the THIRD TIME!

My first thread I posted in "Techniques|Tools|Equipment|Yarn|Fiber"
because I need help how to crochet - need help to find the right pattern (name, author...) or something else informations.

It was deleted.
Reason: Wrong section

The second thread I postet in another wrong section - my mistake, sorry.
Reason: Wrong section - Please Post it in Bounty area

I post my thread in Bounty area....
... and the thread will be deleted again! :'(
Reason: Only existing patterns post here, please

I would now like to know: where can I post my request - in which section/forum???

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Use magic Report

Post time: 2019-1-11 17:21
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Please read rules on main page of the Bounty area,here :


in this part is answer for your question :

"If you like some pattern, but you don't have it and you didn't find it on our forum- then post a picture of this pattern here and set a bounty and someone will help you soon.
Only bounties for existing pattern on the internet will be accepted.Do not open bounty with pictures of some  finished work.Post like this will be removed."

Thank you ,and see you there :handshake:)
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Post time: 2023-8-14 14:59
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I have posted a pattern in ENGLISH, but it was recycled because 'a bit Blurry if someone add a better version this one will be recylcled" and one moderator commented under my post "A better copy was uploaded here (link) with a Spanish copy". So this is NOT FAIR! The spanish copy's uploader uploaded the english one too, but in the same quality as mine, and mine was recycled.....
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Post time: 2016-11-27 02:22
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Somebody asked a pattern in the bounty area, but I could not upload it, and a moderator deleted my post with link. After I uploaded the searched pattern it was deleted because of duplication. I have 2 questions:
1. How can I help with a searched pattern, when I can't upload it?
2. Why the morderator let a searching post appear, if the pattern is available on the site?
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Post time: 2018-8-4 03:09
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I'm not sure about what i did wrong, they deleted my post... where can i find help?
Your post in My version of Rick and Morty was deleted by anniekins "Please use the Comments button on your own threads"

If i don't have the opportunitty to learn... why I'm getting punished?
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Post time: 2018-1-2 15:19
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i have a question and im sorry but i dont know where i shall or whom to ask .. 2017-12-29 14:29 Your post in La-D-Da Boxwood was deleted by anniekins .. i want to know why my post was deleted , i didnt use any bad words or offensive , i simply asked what is this and for what is being used
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Post time: 2021-12-15 20:36
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I uploaded pattern, it's not on the site, it was deleted because its a duplicate. I searched and found that the previous one is the  Puppy Playtime from Gloria & Pat Precious Moments PM 70 For Little Boys and Girls PCS + XSD my pattern is a haed
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Post time: 2017-10-22 02:59
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I posted two completed projects and the image did not come out in the windows, but it did come out in the post. They have been deleted, but I do not know what I did wrong so that the images do not appear in the window box. If you could help me, I would appreciate it.
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Post time: 2022-10-8 17:08
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Hello I have a question. What is the Bounty Area? I dont understand the English works Bounty even with translator, I don t understand the meaning of Bounty Area. Generous area? In which sense?  Thank you!
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Post time: 2012-10-21 20:23
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Edited by anniekins at 2015-6-10 11:08

Thank you.
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 Author| Post time: 2012-10-21 20:36
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Edited by anniekins at 2015-1-21 21:08


Como la mayoría de nuestros miembros son conscientes de la duplicación de los diseños es algo que no está permitido aquí en el foro.
Si la versión escaneada de la carta es de mejor calidad que la original ya está disponible, entonces el nuevo cargo será aceptado y el antiguo será borrado por un moderador.

Mientras que el nuevo puesto se comprueba su tabla no estará disponible - durante este tiempo que permanecerá bajo la moderación de un moderador que se comprueba su calidad y la duplicación.

*** Nota: - Esta moderación puede tardar unas horas. Por favor, comprenda que todos no todos del mismo país y están en zonas horarias diferentes - por favor tenga esto en cuenta al publicar listas de éxitos. ***

Publicar diseños únicos de revistas NO está permitido a menos que el diseño actual no está disponible aquí en el foro.
Si la revista ya existe y contiene el diseño en cuestión, la nueva entrada se eliminará.

Si desea informar al moderador que ha publicado un duplicado y que creo que es de mejor calidad, por favor publicar aquí. Esto hace que sea más fácil para el moderador y, a su vez, hace que el proceso de moderación ir más qucikly: -

Informe de Mensajes informales Respuestas

La decisión final de la tabla para que sea la decisión de los moderadores.

Si un repaint (XSD o PAT) ya está publicada y ha publicado un análisis del gráfico JPEG original, entonces ambos serán aceptados en el foro. La versión XSD / PAT se publicarán en la sección de pintar - la versión escaneada JPEG (debe ser original) es para ser publicado en la sección de patrones de escaneado.

************************************************** *************************
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 Author| Post time: 2012-10-21 20:37
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Edited by anniekins at 2015-1-21 21:08


Comme la plupart de nos membres sont conscients duplication dessins n'est pas quelque chose qui est permis ici sur le forum.
Si la version numérisée de la carte est de meilleure qualité que celui d'origine déjà disponible, alors le nouveau poste ne sera acceptée et l'ancien sera supprimé par un modérateur.

Alors que le nouveau poste est vérifié votre thème ne seront pas disponibles - pendant ce temps il restera sous la modération d'un modérateur à vérifier la qualité et la duplication.

*** S'il vous plaît noter: - Cette modération peut prendre quelques heures. S'il vous plaît comprendre que nous avons tous pas tous du même pays et sont dans des fuseaux horaires différents - s'il vous plaît prendre cela en compte lors de la publication des graphiques. ***

Affichage des conceptions simples magazines n'est pas autorisé sauf si la conception actuelle n'est pas disponible ici sur le forum.
Si la revue existe déjà et contient le motif en question, le nouveau poste sera supprimé.

Si vous souhaitez signaler au modérateur que vous avez posté un doublon et vous croyez qu'il est de meilleure qualité, s'il vous plaît poster ici. Cela rend plus facile pour le modérateur et, à son tour, rend le processus de modération aller plus qucikly: -

Rapport de messages informels et réponses

La décision issue de laquelle tracer à garder sera la décision des modérateurs.

Si un repaint (XSD ou PAT) est déjà affichée et que vous avez posté un scan JPEG de la carte d'origine, alors deux d'entre eux seront acceptés dans le forum. La version XSD / PAT seront affichés dans la section repeindre - le JPEG version scannée (elle doit être originale) doit être posté dans la section numérisée modèles.


Number of participants 1Gold Coins +3 Collapse Reason
valandra + 3 Thank you very much!

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 Author| Post time: 2012-10-21 20:38
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Edited by anniekins at 2015-1-21 21:09


Como a maioria de nossos membros estão conscientes de duplicação projetos não é algo que é permitido aqui no fórum.
Se a versão digitalizada do gráfico é de melhor qualidade do que o original já está disponível, em seguida, o novo posto será aceito e que o antigo serão excluídas por um moderador.

Enquanto o novo cargo está marcada seu gráfico não estará disponível - durante este tempo ele permanecerá sob moderação por um moderador de ser verificada a qualidade e duplicação.

*** Atenção: - Esta moderação pode demorar algumas horas. Por favor, entenda que nós todos não todos do mesmo país e estão todos em diferentes fusos horários - por favor, levar isso em conta quando postar cartas. ***

Postagem projetos individuais de revistas não é permitida se o projeto atual não está disponível aqui no fórum.
Se a revista já existe e contém o projeto em questão, o novo posto será excluído.

Se você quiser denunciar ao moderador que você postou uma duplicata e você acredita que é de melhor qualidade, por favor postar aqui. Isto faz com que seja mais fácil para o moderador e, por sua vez, faz com que o processo de moderação ir mais qucikly: -

Relatório de Mensagens informais e Respostas

A decisão final da qual traçar a manter será a decisão dos moderadores.

Se um repaint (XSD ou PAT) já está publicado e que tenha colocado uma varredura JPEG do gráfico original, ambos será aceito no fórum. A versão XSD / PAT será postado na seção de repintar - a versão digitalizada JPEG (deve ser original) é para ser postado na seção de padrões digitalizada.

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 Author| Post time: 2012-10-21 20:38
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Edited by anniekins at 2015-1-21 21:09


Poiché la maggior parte dei nostri membri sono consapevoli duplicazione disegni non è qualcosa che è permesso qui sul forum.
Se la versione digitalizzata del grafico è di qualità migliore rispetto a quello originale già disponibile, il nuovo post verrà accettato e il vecchio sarà cancellato da un moderatore.

Mentre il nuovo post viene controllato il grafico non sarà disponibile - in questo periodo rimarrà sotto la moderazione di un moderatore da controllare per la qualità e la duplicazione.

*** Si prega di notare: - Questo moderazione può richiedere alcune ore. Vi preghiamo di comprendere che noi tutti non tutti dallo stesso paese e sono tutti in fusi orari diversi - si prega di tenerne conto durante la pubblicazione di grafici. ***

Regole di esecuzione semplice da riviste non è consentito a meno che la progettazione vera e propria non è disponibile qui sul forum.
Se la rivista esiste già e contiene il progetto in questione, il nuovo post sarà cancellato.

Se si vuole riferire al moderatore che hanno inviato un duplicato e credo che sia di qualità migliore, si prega di postare qui. Ciò rende più facile per il moderatore e, a sua volta, rende il processo di moderazione andare più qucikly: -

Relazione di messaggi informali & Risposte

La decisione termine del quale grafico per tenere sarà la decisione dei moderatori.

Se un repaint (XSD o PAT) è già postato e avete pubblicato una scansione JPEG della mappa originale e poi entrambi questi saranno accettate nel forum. L'XSD / PAT versione verranno pubblicate nella sezione ridisegnare - la versione digitalizzata JPEG (deve essere originale) deve essere pubblicati nella sezione scansione modelli.

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Post time: 2012-10-23 02:25
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thanks for the continuing information
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Post time: 2012-10-26 02:05 From mobile phones
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thanks 4 the information, its helpfull...
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Post time: 2012-10-26 09:13
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Very nice..
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Use magic Report

Post time: 2012-11-2 00:13
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Well noted, thanks!
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