Edited by anniekins at 2022-9-14 08:54
Post new patterns. Go to Post new thread (All Book Resources Patterns Magazine). Don't forget to search first, we might have the pattern already. Please read the uploading guides (for cross-stitch, for crochet, or in general). That way you will make the moderating process smoother, and minimize the chance of doing something that gets the thread recycled. Also sometimes people offer a good amount of gold for certain patterns (bounties) PROS: the thread will be rated (at least by a moderator, likely by users too); you can give a price tag to the attachments that give you a constant influx of gold CONS: you have to provide content that is not already here; making a new thread, and filling out the info takes some time YIELD: 20GC/thread+ratings+(attachment price*0.7)/attachment sold+bounty reward
Post diary entries. Go to Post new thread (All Diary Jobs) and make a new thread. All you have to know is how to post pictures, PROS: diaries will be rated by more people than patterns; you can comment (make sure you're using the right button for that) a thank you for people complimenting your work for an additional 5GC per comment CONS: you can only post pictures of your own things - meaning you have to produce something, and then take a picture of it; making a new thread takes a bit longer time than writing a reply YIELD: 20GC/thread+ratings
Post a new thread. You can start a discussion either in a group, or in the main forums about knitting/crocheting, cross-stitching, or just whatever in general, or you can show us what Santa left in your stocking. However, don't spam the forums. Posting an introduction when you register is a-okay, but making threads saying, for example, "Good morning!" every day is just spamming. The key is to start a discussion, share tips or tricks, or to look for assistance. If you have an issue like something doesn't work the way it should, or you don't really understand a function, please do a search. Chances are good that somebody already asked about it. PROS: you're starting a discussion, which might be rated by people who find it useful; you can reply more to an active discussion, so the one reply per thread not necessarily applies (but no spamming or breaking up the reply into multiple parts) CONS: you have to write something meaningful, otherwise it'll be deemed spamming; takes more time than just writing a reply; this reward doesn't apply to the Free Talk area, however, your thread can be rated here YIELD: 20GC/thread+ratings
Reply or comment. Take part in a discussion, say thank you for the shared material, compliment a finished work, etc. PROS: sometimes people find your contribution useful, and rate your reply (but not comments); you can do it unlimited times... CONS: ... however you can only reply one time per thread; this reward does not apply to the Free Talk area YIELD: 5GC/minute+ratings
Reply to specific threads. If you see [Reply Awards XXXX ]after a thread's name (like here or here), that means the user who posted the thread will reward you some extra GC the first time you reply to the thread. This will be done automatically, so no waiting time, no extra clicks, no extra processes involved - just a simple reply as usual with all its perks. It is highly advised to read these threads because they tend to contain some useful info. PROS: extra coins for what you'd normally do CONS: there only a few threads like this. YIELD: varies - min.1GC+50GC(reply award)+ratings
Do your tasks. If you hover over "My Center" in the top right corner of your screen, you can access the tasks page. There are two tasks you can apply to every hour, the "Everybody Hourly Bonus" and the "Lv.X Hourly Bonus" (X is your DIY level, obviously). The first task will pay you 10GC (recently raised from 5GC), and the other 12-16GC, depending on your level. Additionally, there's a one-time task when pays you 126GC for the first post you make after you've applied to the task. As for the email and YouTube tasks... the tech team knows about the issue, and they're working on solving it. PROS: gold for a click CONS: you have to remember to check in every hour since they are not automatic YIELD: 10+min.12GC/hour
Report mistakes you find. You can either use the report button or make a post in the Report of Informal Posts Replies thread. We give some reward to those who help us out! PROS: you can do it while just browsing the site. CONS: you'll have to have sharp eyes to notice mistakes; it could take a while till your report gets processed YIELD: 1-10GC/report, sometimes even more
Share links. I guess you've seen those share buttons under most threads. While I would understand if you didn't want to share a pattern on your LinkedIn profile, and Pinterest doesn't let you share links from the site, there's a line that says "Copy this page share address". If you click on it, a special link will be generated and copied to your clipboard, unique to your account. You can share this link everywhere, and once someone opens it, you'll get a reward. PROS: if you leave the link somewhere, it'll continue to generate some income in the future CONS: there's a chance nobody will open your link; only gives reward if other accounts from other IP address opens the link; the system doesn't always register all shares YIELD: 50GC every time someone opens your link
Collect red envelopes. A red envelope is a gift some users put on their wall. It is on the upper right-hand side, looks like a red square, with the word GIFT scribbled over it, and if you click on it, you'll get some gold. How can you find them? Either keep an eye out in the Free Talk area for threads titled like "Gift on my wall" or "Red envelope for mother's day" - you get the gist - or wander through user profiles, maybe you stumble upon one. To check someone's wall, just click on their username or avatar. PROS: fun, like an Easter egg hunt CONS: these are not permanent, they can run out fast, so be quick YIELD: varies - min.1GC
Speaking a language. Sometimes patterns are written in weird, arcane languages, like Italian, French, Korean, Turkish, Esperanto, Suomi etc. As much as we would like, we don't speak each and every language possible, but we can't just skip those threads, and leave them in pre-moderation hell, can we? Most of the time, Google Translate works fine, but there are some not so ideal quality patterns, handwritten patterns (yep, they exist), or translations, which we can't really check. If you keep an eye out, from time to time threads are popping up, looking for, say, Turkish speakers, or Japanese speakers (Chinese is covered at the moment by yours truly), but there's a permanent thread too, looking for helpers in all languages. PROS: you might get a full pattern before anyone else; you won't pay for said pattern, we pay you for checking it; the reward is usually high CONS: you really have to speak that language, using a translator is not enough; you might spend a long time; you might get a dozen tasks one day, then nothing for months; you have to be at least DIY1 (for PM purposes); if more people are helping simultaneously, whoever does a better job, gets the bonus YIELD: depends on the pattern, generally 100<GC
Make videos. In case you didn't know, we have a YouTube channel. If you enjoy making videos, you can be featured there! There's a guide on how to submit videos, and if you need some inspirations, you can check all that we have either on our site or the YouTube channel. It's completely anonymous, so you don't have to worry about your privacy. PROS: high payout for quality videos CONS: making videos can take days; it has to be original content YIELD: 100-10000GC for diary-type videos, 200-20000GC for tutorial type videos
Number of participants 26 | Gold Coins +258 |
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&lt;ya-tr-span data-index=&quot;240-0&quot; data-translated=&quot;true&quot; data-source-lang=&quot;en&quot; data-target-lang=&quot;ru&quot; data-value=&quot;Thank you very much!&quot; data-translation=&quot;Большое вам спасибо!&quot; data-ch=&quot;0&quot |
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Thank you very much! |
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&lt;font style=&quot;vertical-align: inherit;&quot;&gt;&lt;font style=&quot;vertical-align: inherit;&quot;&gt;Большое спасибо!&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/font&gt; |
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¡Muchas gracias! |
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Usefull |
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Usefull |
| + 3 |
Thank you very much! |
| + 6 |
Thank you very much! |
| + 2 |
Thank you very much! |
| + 20 |
Thank you very much! |
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Thank you very much! |
| + 1 |
Useful information thanks. |
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Thank you very much! |
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Thank you very much! |
| + 6 |
Very useful! |
| + 99 |
Thank you very much! |
| + 1 |
Thank you very much! |
| + 1 |
Awesome! |
| + 8 |
The best! |
| + 15 |
Usefull |
| + 20 |
Usefull |
| + 1 |
Usefull |
leopard danio
| + 50 |
Awesome! |
| + 5 |
Usefull |
| + 10 |
Great work! |
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