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Stitch Tips|Tricks Today: 1 |Threads: 539|Rank: 46 

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[Tips Discussion] Iron Aida - how hot?  ...2 birdcageseasons 2013-9-29 23:50 181691 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:37
[Tips Discussion] Spiral Eye Needles attach_img agree  ...2 cute.panda.sue 2013-6-30 03:55 171818 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:35
[Tips Discussion] Aida or Evenweave  ...23 ancmc 2018-11-7 08:59 231421 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:35
[Tips Discussion] Frogging  ...234 Slige 2015-7-5 08:51 412849 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:34
[Tips Discussion] How do you start.  ...234 Lindy Lou 2013-8-14 11:35 393229 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:34
[Tips Discussion] Your Tips for stitching faster  ...234 Slige 2015-6-22 09:04 382940 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:32
[Tips Discussion] How to stitch faster? agree  ...2345 lzper 2012-10-9 07:18 634064 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:32
[Tips Discussion] How are you saving $ on your hobby? agree  ...2345 XStitchDoc 2012-8-17 12:07 433675 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:31
[Tips Discussion] velcro for threads Slige 2015-5-8 19:19 8674 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:29
[Tips Discussion] The Perfect Lap Frame! attach_img  ...23456..7 Crimson 2012-11-5 20:04 626512 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:28
[Tips Discussion] Using Hoops  ...2 Jakz1269 2015-3-24 00:02 131129 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:26
[Tips Discussion] stitching your name on a finished piece?  ...23456..11 vividear 2012-10-30 12:24 1048612 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:26
[Tips Discussion] Needle sizes attach_img  ...23 amyleesf 2013-3-25 20:03 211873 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:25
[Tips Discussion] Desperate: Traveling/Flying with/without scissors  ...23 lovestitches 2013-6-1 11:26 241964 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:25
[Tips Discussion] Best needles to use Slige 2015-5-10 20:58 9671 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:24
[Tips Discussion] needles and fabric  ...2 MichelleB 2013-8-4 21:46 151175 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:21
[Skill Help] french knots  ...23 bellat75 2015-3-23 20:32 211624 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:19
[Skill Help] Cross stitch helpful hints  ...2 Muhammad 2017-4-18 12:48 12895 htsear13 2022-2-10 10:18
[Color Boards] DMC Mouliné Color Chart W100A attach_img  ...2 Miledys 2015-7-14 22:25 161594 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:15
[Tips Discussion] Annies keepers  ...2 MichelleB 2013-8-4 16:22 141324 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:14
[Color Boards] Silk to DMC conversion charts question AnnikaGBG 2013-4-29 20:50 6823 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:13
[Skill Help] Does anyone of you use needle minders? attach_img  ...234 mary81 2013-10-29 02:53 393207 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:11
[Tips Discussion] Using Tablet or Computer to stitch  ...2345 Slige 2015-5-8 19:17 553705 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:09
[Tips Discussion] Annie's Keepers New_post attach_img Slige 2015-5-8 19:14 4703 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:06
[Tips Discussion] Make your own Q-Snaps  ...2 sassypants 2013-7-29 02:52 101056 htsear13 2022-2-10 07:03
[Skill Help] Blank white sections, worth it to fill in? New_post  ...2 jenthepig 2014-3-6 08:44 111122 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:56
[Tips Discussion] DMC threads: best place to buy?  ...2 jenthepig 2014-3-28 04:48 111209 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:55
[Skill Help] Can a pattern be made smaller? nkehayes 2014-7-15 23:38 6617 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:54
[Skill Help] french knot pulling through tammee 2014-7-19 21:23 8643 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:54
[Skill Help] Help finding correct fabrics. So confused! Help? attach_img Allura 2014-12-27 21:28 4523 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:53
[Tips Discussion] lighting attach_img berryberry72 2015-4-22 08:20 5598 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:52
[Tips Discussion] How to finish a bookmark New_post  ...23 o0sea0o 2013-8-15 22:20 201760 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:51
[Skill Help] vervaco conversion  ...2 bellat75 2014-2-11 07:23 111880 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:49
[Skill Help] What is the difference between Kreinik Blending Filament and #4?  ...2 cute.panda.sue 2013-8-11 05:10 111507 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:48
[Skill Help] First Try with Tapestry Wool New_post attach_img Ailinora 2013-4-14 21:08 8718 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:47
[Skill Help] Is my needlepoint project a loss? (Leaning to one side >.<) attach_img  ...2 Allura 2015-1-7 07:59 151382 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:46
[Skill Help] Madeira Decora convert to DMC attach_img valika77 2015-3-31 01:05 41255 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:46
[Tips Discussion] Fabric Stitch Needle Guide--- handy chart attach_img agree  ...23 loki2012 2012-8-26 02:34 232134 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:45
[Skill Help] tent vs cross stitch  ...2 Slige 2015-5-10 21:02 121301 htsear13 2022-2-10 05:44
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