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Stitch Tips|Tricks Today: 4 |Threads: 539|Rank: 45 

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Announcement Announcement: Cant receive emails from Pindiy.com? admin 2024-4-22    
[Skill Help] Sewing with linen attach_img  ...2 allycetheredd 2012-8-12 09:48 131564 u1sunny 2024-4-28 18:24
[Skill Help] Foam boards ?  ...2 Adreg 2014-12-20 08:00 121167 tatsumi696 2024-4-25 01:30
[Skill Help] Backstitch  ...2 djdapsttam 2013-12-3 10:20 11716 tatsumi696 2024-4-25 01:30
[Skill Help] What are your tips for stitching on dark fabric? attach_img  ...23456 plasticlachesis 2012-10-16 07:09 574290 tatsumi696 2024-4-25 01:04
[Skill Help] Help stitching Afghan New_post mspaz 2013-12-3 04:44 7783 tatsumi696 2024-4-25 00:52
[Skill Help] Dyeing your own fabric  ...2345 alicegale 2012-8-5 21:06 464735 u1sunny 2024-4-24 21:03
[Skill Help] French knot  ...23 Cordebra 2013-3-21 09:30 262360 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 17:15
[Skill Help] Which one better sew by hand or machine? attach_img agree  ...2 yovi2912 2012-10-19 09:56 191714 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 17:10
[Skill Help] Cross stitch helpful skills  ...2345 Muhammad 2017-4-18 12:50 403184 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 17:03
[Skill Help] Knotty floss  ...23 icecreamcake 2013-1-24 16:53 211708 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 17:02
[Skill Help] changing colors attach_img agree  ...23 Quiltera 2022-7-9 07:51 24950 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 17:00
[Skill Help] Floss of PANNA attach_img  ...2345 Araceli 2009-4-22 06:42 427425 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 16:57
[Skill Help] My Tip for-pat or xsd-pattern attach_img agree  ...23 GorjussLover 2015-4-11 08:05 272108 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 16:53
[Skill Help] How to color the fabric  ...234 ebi 2009-9-21 18:57 404840 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 16:52
[Skill Help] Queen Stitch  ...23 raven 2010-9-12 09:52 202028 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 16:45
[Skill Help] Afghan New_post djdaps94 2013-12-9 07:15 8654 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:36
[Skill Help] How to grid faster? Need tips..  ...2 tcca 2014-1-5 12:35 161496 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:35
[Skill Help] Scarlet Quince experience? attach_img  ...2 xstitchmaven 2015-1-13 12:15 12847 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:33
[Skill Help] Dying with watercolors attach_img agree  ...234 Knabbelkatje 2017-4-10 22:20 382578 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:33
[Skill Help] Half (tent) stitches on HEAD, Arxinda, Crosti...?  ...2 lovestitches 2013-5-7 02:44 121512 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:32
[Skill Help] Cross stitch lap stands/floor stands? Which???  ...2 SallySue 2016-11-24 07:16 171717 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:31
[Skill Help] Cross stitch helpful hints  ...23 Muhammad 2017-4-18 12:46 231678 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:30
[Skill Help] Floss through your needle...  ...234 otaku 2009-4-25 19:08 346064 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:27
[Skill Help] Help - Amount of Aida cloth needed  ...2 Woodworker! 2014-7-3 00:36 141106 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:26
[Skill Help] Using 36ct instead of 28...  ...23 walala.miche 2011-2-11 21:41 212487 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:25
[Skill Help] Posting Designing Ladies 2007 Casket Instructions attach_img agree  ...23 mummymimi 2015-9-7 06:18 292794 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:19
[Skill Help] Best idea for needles New_post agree  ...2345 Jesskleb 2016-10-9 17:42 442978 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:18
[Skill Help] Question: Where do you start your stitching? heatlevel  ...23456..15 WiseOwl 2011-12-7 06:55 1479746 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:16
[Skill Help] floss conversion chart  ...2 alice 2009-5-7 22:46 176971 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 01:17
[Skill Help] My tip for stitching ... attach_img agree  ...2345 120605 2012-5-15 03:56 474821 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 01:04
[Skill Help] How To Make A Cross Stitch Quilt  ...2 lady_heather 2012-3-13 18:40 192058 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:58
[Skill Help] Selection of colors for the face attach_img agree  ...23 liana250470 2021-3-1 14:42 251285 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:47
[Skill Help] Stitching With Metalic Thread Tips please  ...234 daffodil 2011-9-27 18:09 313295 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:40
[Skill Help] Designing Ladies 2005 - Treasure Box Finishing Instructions attach_img agree  ...23456..7 mummymimi 2015-9-9 05:59 656132 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:33
[Skill Help] How do you preserve your finished work?  ...2 EskimoKisses 2013-3-12 22:16 171562 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:20
[Skill Help] Cross stitch helpful hints agree  ...2 Muhammad 2018-2-25 21:22 11831 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:17
[Skill Help] Cross Stitch Software convert to PDF question attach_img  ...2 1indy 2014-9-29 16:54 222892 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:15
[Skill Help] Tips to stitch on dark fabric  ...234 LucyLiu 2011-12-11 04:59 312389 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:08
[Skill Help] Working with metallics  ...2 lilyv 2018-9-25 23:04 111281 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:06
[Skill Help] What is a Biscornu used for? attach_img  ...234 Jazzi 2013-6-22 15:15 374001 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:05
[Skill Help] Thread Tension Problems in FMQ attach_img agree  ...23 Quiltera 2021-7-24 11:00 20912 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:58
[Skill Help] Is it normal for DMC to fray?  ...2 xstitchmaven 2015-6-1 14:05 151501 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:57
[Skill Help] Using hoops over finished work New_post  ...23 Ursa 2012-9-19 16:50 292328 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:56
[Skill Help] Number dmc floss ecru attach_img  ...2 teddyje8 2012-8-28 23:27 111107 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:56
[Skill Help] Here are DMC Color Numbers for Vervaco PN-0148642 - Summer Stamp agree  ...23 Buffy 2015-6-28 05:20 202536 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:55
[Skill Help] Les Fils à Soso. attachment  ...2 Bleu 2014-7-31 19:56 111184 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:55
[Skill Help] dmc 032  ...2 katieme 2015-9-24 20:41 101162 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:53
[Skill Help] Keeping back neat  ...23 waterlillie 2013-8-1 06:33 281858 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:52
[Skill Help] Ironing Aida Cloth Suggestions Please  ...23 whitewitch 2013-3-5 08:47 222405 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:51
[Skill Help] Beading on Linen Embroidery - Help - Bridal Sampler Allura 2016-1-4 12:20 8822 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 23:48
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