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Stitch Tips|Tricks Today: 0|Threads: 539|Rank: 40 

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[Tips Discussion] Bulk Needles  ...23 qoe2u 2011-11-9 11:54 212396 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 16:28
[Tips Discussion] how to use this frame? attach_img  ...23 Sol 2011-11-6 03:49 233006 manolimu 2023-9-4 01:23
[Skill Help] Dangling Fabric - How to stitch larger projects? attach_img  ...2 qoe2u 2011-11-4 02:02 192774 manolimu 2023-9-4 01:22
[Tips Discussion] Rotation and Storage  ...2 qoe2u 2011-11-4 01:50 162061 Olgaleks 2024-5-11 14:22
[Skill Help] Finca to DMC or Achor mimmu75 2011-10-27 01:57 71845 manolimu 2023-9-4 01:21
[Tips Discussion] Anyone using q-snaps  ...2345 Crossbones 2011-10-23 19:38 475983 u1sunny 2022-9-30 18:47
[Color Boards] Kreinik to Rainbow gallery-treasure braid conversion attach_img agree  ...2345 jupiter1 2011-10-19 06:12 476777 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:24
[Color Boards] DMC Light Effects To Kreinik Conversion Chart attach_img agree  ...2345 jupiter1 2011-10-19 06:08 427469 diystuff 2023-5-4 20:56
[Tips Discussion] Floss for Skin Tones  ...2 waspjh1984 2011-10-18 10:41 115992 u1sunny 2022-9-12 20:28
[Color Boards] JP Coats conversions?  ...2 pjh1984 2011-10-16 20:29 101578 schmelinda 2022-9-24 19:06
[Tips Discussion] used hoops?  ...23 pamela 2011-10-12 21:51 243105 xolga 2023-3-15 03:43
[Skill Help] Question about Q-snap  ...234 atenea 2011-10-11 03:18 393891 manolimu 2023-9-4 01:20
[Skill Help] Sullivan's thread  ...2 booboo23 2011-10-8 00:10 161790 schmelinda 2022-9-24 19:05
[Tips Discussion] Sweaty Palms  ...2 bluetooth2005 2011-10-3 03:01 172316 dengxiaozuo 2022-9-9 14:05
[Skill Help] 40 count linen  ...23 janb 2011-9-30 11:10 262809 u1sunny 2022-9-3 10:34
[Skill Help] How to do French knots help  ...2 dinky 2011-9-30 10:47 182753 u1sunny 2022-9-3 10:33
[Skill Help] Stitching With Metalic Thread Tips please  ...234 daffodil 2011-9-27 18:09 313308 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:40
[Tips Discussion] Orts - explanation attach_img agree  ...23456..7 sallyrose 2011-9-14 09:25 616013 manolimu 2023-9-4 02:14
[Color Boards] Thread conversions attach_img  ...2 bridgey77 2011-9-13 11:59 141879 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:34
[Tips Discussion] How to store floss attach_img  ...2345 matsujuns 2011-9-9 19:16 484272 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:19
[Tips Discussion] Need some advice concerning curtains embroidering :) attach_img  ...2 lyloo 2011-9-5 18:54 111819 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:28
[Color Boards] GAMMA-DMC-Anchor- Madeira attach_img agree  ...234 Turquoise 2011-8-16 15:05 305782 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-9 00:45
[Skill Help] Scroll frames and masking tape  ...2 Biddy 2011-8-16 09:58 142034 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:27
[Color Boards] I want to convert this color but I do not know the language chinese attach_img crosslola 2011-8-12 19:40 81740 manolimu 2023-9-4 02:05
[Tips Discussion] how to dye fabric attach_img  ...2 jagged 2011-8-12 12:30 162116 manolimu 2023-9-4 02:06
[Typical Courses] Ort Bag Tutorial Faby Reilly attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..13 janetxstitcher 2011-8-11 02:07 12013191 Guaranita 2024-2-18 21:38
[Skill Help] Lacing needlework  ...2 Biddy 2011-8-9 08:10 172374 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:32
[Color Boards] Eva rosenstand to DMC and Anchor attach_img agree  ...23456 Turquoise 2011-8-6 10:18 547705 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:22
[Skill Help] Know of a marker that washes out?  ...234 LavenderHaze 2011-8-6 03:22 404581 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:29
[Tips Discussion] Problems with Belle Soie silks  ...23 samhain126 2011-8-2 23:42 212930 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:31
[Tips Discussion] Rust marks on fabric Biddy 2011-8-2 09:39 61094 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:46
[Tips Discussion] How do you organize your floss? attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..14 samhain126 2011-8-2 03:27 15415147 swazee 2023-9-27 03:22
[Skill Help] Cross Stitch Kit Conversion to DMC attachment agree  ...2345 gladstone72 2011-8-1 11:35 405334 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:33
[Tips Discussion] should i worry if i do not mount on acid-free?  ...2 susiequeue123 2011-8-1 09:35 162209 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:46
[Skill Help] pointed or blunt needles?  ...23 susiequeue123 2011-8-1 09:33 273455 Sarabi8 2022-8-4 07:34
[Tips Discussion] how do you stretch your finished work? susiequeue123 2011-7-30 21:29 81280 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:34
[Tips Discussion] does anyone use a floor stand? attachment  ...2345 susiequeue123 2011-7-30 21:28 435949 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:45
[Skill Help] how can you calculate the length & stitches??? zeemeermin 2011-7-24 17:21 81500 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:40
[Tips Discussion] Large pieces  ...23 doris 2011-7-21 05:30 284052 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:21
[Typical Courses] 2 ways to put together a bookmark, by Faby Reilly attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 Adela 2011-7-11 08:06 13512078 tatsumi696 2024-4-22 17:09
[Typical Courses] How to assemble a needlebook, by Faby Reilly attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 Adela 2011-7-11 07:58 11514073 Isa Ro 2023-9-23 06:43
[Typical Courses] Heart shape Tutorial, by Faby Reilly attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 Adela 2011-7-11 07:53 12712853 auslbhwong 2024-1-10 17:46
[Skill Help] Can you use Scotch Guard on projects?  ...2 sallyrose 2011-7-8 00:46 122339 htsear13 2022-2-11 02:07
[Typical Courses] How to prepare a house/French attach_img agree  ...23 crosslola 2011-7-7 02:49 283475 Knitpurlsm 2024-4-8 06:36
[Tips Discussion] is it true attach_img  ...23 tonyalongshore 2011-7-4 03:29 232470 htsear13 2022-2-10 23:37
[Skill Help] Dying with crepe paper and salt  ...2345 threadbare 2011-6-15 02:17 595753 manolimu 2023-9-4 03:05
[Tips Discussion] Storage  ...2345 debbieb31 2011-5-26 23:06 434243 Whisper whisper 2024-4-19 15:16
[Skill Help] Instructions for finishing chrismas ornaments  ...23 keyva 2011-5-22 08:55 283449 htsear13 2022-2-11 02:10
[Skill Help] need help on lugana 25 count. attach_img  ...2 tzu16 2011-5-10 18:49 162993 manolimu 2023-9-4 03:05
[Typical Courses] Judy Odell Christmas Ornament Finishing attach_img recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 janetxstitcher 2011-5-8 01:56 8610902 Margmaloney 2023-10-11 09:57
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